Search engine optimization is used to optimize the website.this optimization will help the user who search on the search engines like google,yahoo,bing,etc.the
SEO will help to list our webpage into the top level of the page on the search engines.
Now we are live in fast based environment, Around 3 billions users are having internet facility all over the word and this still growing rapidly. We all know the internet users are too quick they want everything to be happen so fast .so if you we own webpage or online store is very helpful to enlarge your business or to exhibit your skills to the world.mostly the users use search engines to accquire what they want . but to attract the internet users to our website is some what difficult. Even though we have the stuff what the user need , still it is diffcult to bring them to the site . this happens because our page is not search engine friendly. if our page is more friendly to the search engine and as well as to the users then our page came font on the search engine results based the user search term or qurrey. so we can except more page visits. for that our webpage must be search engine friendly.
Important Factors to be considered to apply SEO
and some backstage parameters.
we will see about those parameters on upcoming posts..